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The Personality Identity Estimator (PIE) is an
instrument for estimating personality type. It is easy to administer, can be completed rapidly, and
can be used immediately by both
facilitators and learners. It is an instrument that identifies the hypothetical
constructs of personality type as conceptualized by Carl Jung.
- View and/or download a copy of the Personality Identity Estimator
- PIE is a valid and reliable instrument.
View and/or download a
paper on the development of PIE
- The paper version of PIE can be quickly hand scored. However, for
research purposes and data analysis, the responses can be entered into a
computer. View and/or download a copy of the SPSS syntax to computer-score
- View and/or read a copy of the description of the various
Jungian personality-type groups
- You can complete PIE online
and instantly learn your personality-type classification